Wednesday 31 August 2022

The Long Road Production Update Sept 2022

Hi Roadsters I hope you’re all well. Now that the summer holidays are over I can finally get back to The Long Road and have started on the final edit today. Here's a picture.
I am exporting the project across from Final Cut and will complete the film on Davinci Resolve which for my money is the best post production software out there. Although straightforward this is a time consuming process and will likely take a week or so to get right. It involves exporting the timeline and medias of the film as an XML out of Final Cut and importing it into Davinci. This process generally works reasonably well but there are always slight glitches, missing shots etc. so although it's supposed to automatically rebuild the project as it was, this never quite fully happens for all sort of computer reasons that are above my pay grade. This means having to do some amount of reconstruction work the other end and having to manually replace shots and sound and re-conforming the project just to get back to where it was originally so you can then start to re-edit. Now why do all this work I hear you scream? Simply put Davinci is the industry standard and a much more powerful tool for the job. The film will literally be better for it but as I found out last year when going through the exact same process on another project called Darkcode there are always incompatibilities between the softwares. However, as I found out on that project the extra work (pain) is well worth the end result.
I will keep you up to date on my progress but in the meantime strap in it may get painful. On a different note I have sent out all the perks I can at the moment including the shooting script. The remaining perks are now related to the completion of the film. Once done they will be sent out. I am determined to get the film finally finished by the end of the year. As always a massive THANK YOU for all your support and patience in what has indeed been The Long Road (I'll get my coat) In the meantime I have been uploading lots of content to my You Tube channel Terrortube which you can watch for free including my first feature film Through The Looking Glass. Here's the link: Please feel free to subscribe for more free filums. I hope you are all well and safe. May the road rise with you until next time. Big love Craig